Project 2025 is a detailed plan to shut you up, and shut you out.
You matter, and you have a voice.
Project 2025, also known as “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise,” is a document created to be a roadmap for a second Donald Trump presidency. It was prepared by the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation and many former Trump staffers–those who didn’t leave in disgrace, quit in disgust, or narrowly avoid getting hanged by his mob.
Trump claims to know nothing about it. He’s lying. [1] And if elected, Trump’s lack of self-discipline and fathomless self-absorption means that the people he surrounds himself with will have free rein to enact Project 2025’s agenda.
So we’ve made comics to explain some of that agenda, and move you to vote against it.
We did this because you shouldn’t have to read this monstrosity. After all, it’s more than fifty times as long as the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution…combined.
Our two founding documents are short because it doesn’t take a lot of words to say “You matter, and you have a voice.”
Project 2025 is longer because it’s a detailed plan to shut you up, and shut you out.
Don’t let it do either.
Read on, then vote.
[1] “What is Project 2025? Inside the conservative plan Trump claims to have ‘no idea’ about,” by George Petras and Jennifer Borresen, USA TODAY, 24 July 2024
Comics art against Project 2025
Karim Ahmad
Ho Che Anderson
Alejandro Arbona
Zander Cannon
Valentine De Landro
Scott Dunbier
Kieron Dwyer
Jerel Dye
Cheryl Lynn Eaton
Ben Fisher
Matt Fraction
Gene Ha
Cully Hamner
Mike Henderson
Jay Hosler
Shawn Lee
Steve Lieber
Laurenn McCubbin
Ibrahim Moustafa
Evan Narcisse
Jim Ottaviani
Greg Pak
Jeff Parker
Joe Phillips
Tobias Queck
Greg Rucka
Mark Russell
Chris Ryall
Sara Ryan
Jennifer Smith
Lilah Sturges
Zoe Tunnell
Jen Van Meter
Rick Veitch
Shannon Wheeler
Other contributors to this project have elected to not have their names listed here.
We respect and protect their privacy and thank them for their anonymous contributions.